Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ
The power of knowledge for
your Christian growth
Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ
The power of knowledge for your Christian growth
Our Senior Leaders
Pastor Terrell Matthews
Associate Pastor Phillip Bass
Who We Are
We are a Christian organization consisting of individuals and families who desire a personal relationship with God, through faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Our church follows the Holy Bible as its source for doctrine and information. Not only does it teach us where we came from, based on its history, but it also enlightens us to where we’re headed and what are the things to come, based on its prophecies.
It helps us understand who we are, by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and
It serves as our guide on how we should serve the people around us.
Our Ministries
Preaching, Teaching and Evangelizing are the fundamentals of our worship services. Along with music, prayer and praise, we are enriched by the presence of the Lord, giving thanks to His holy name.
Because we are a church of ministries, there is always something going on.
Be it through Social Media outlets such as Facebook and Zoom, or
through thrifting and distribution of items donated to the church or volunteering time and services to local correction facilities or other neighborhood
service organizations…
Our goal is to share the love of Jesus Christ by the Word of God
As Jesus spoke in the parable of the ten pounds "...Occupy until I come"
Luke 19:13